The problem with so many bank accounts is that once your money is in there, it merely sits, gathering dust. That can be a source of frustration for many people, which is why you might be considering setting up an investment.
By using the link above, you’ll be taken to Lloyds investment page where you can find their range of investment options for customers. They include their range of e-Investments, managed funds designed to help anyone make smart investments. You can choose from three levels of risk and invest a lump sum, make regular payments or both.
You can also find information about meeting with a member of Lloyds team for investment advice, guides for managing your investment, information on ISAs, useful phone numbers, financial advice links and information about investing in your retirement.
You can also take out an investment ISA. Investment ISAs give you the option of three managed funds: lower, medium or higher risk. The higher the risk, the more you could earn. But the risk is higher. We recommend you contatc Lloyds to discuss investments with them before moving forward. You can contact Lloyds telephone banking, or you can enquire online.
Investments are, generally, a safe way to save and make money. However, you must fully understand the risks involved before you take any out. It is also important to remember that there are other ways to earn money. You can put your savings in a high-interest savings or current account, for example. Speak to an investment advisor at Lloyds to find out more.